Video / Promotions

A super awesome video created by my cover artist, good friend, and sister-in-law, Debby Frost. This video is used in all social media promotions.

Pictures / Alternate Covers

The original bridge I wanted for the cover. I thought it was beautiful, but not realistic for a downtown Los Angeles bridge. I opted to use this for the back cover instead. *Photo courtesy of Guillaume Issaly under the Unsplash license.

The first version of the cover, I like the look from within the graffitied tunnel, but I was adminent about featuring the bridge considering how integral to the story it is. The bridge is not only what represents the last connection between Lenoir and her family and friends, but it also represents to a huge loss to Vincent.

The second version of the cover. I like that we are now under the bridge, and the realism of the rented, windowless vans, but Lenoir wasn’t quite looking like herself yet.

The third version of the cover. I like the addition of the simple city skyline in the background. Similar to the first version, we are to Lenoir’s back and the bridge is featured prominently in the background.

The fourth version of the cover. We have the bridge above us again, but Lenoir is looking more like herself and the vans have taken on a visceral, animated style. I like the font on the title!

The final version of the cover. Opted for one van, the bridge in the background again, the aura light around Lenoir toned down, and she is facing us this time. My awesome cover artist, Debby Frost, did such an amazing job on the face. I really wanted it to portray Lenoir’s vacant, empty look.

An AI generated image (Spare me your judgements) of a youngish looking Vincent standing over the barren Los Angeles River basin. A key scene in the book. Poor Vincent.

Editing / Notes / Alternate Letters

In 2014, I started more seriously thinking about the book while I was working on another, much larger novel. I imagined this being part of an alternate scene where Lenoir leaves while her father is awake during the day. I still love the dialogue, so I repurposed it for another scene.

Part of my original stream-of-consciousness note sessions from 2013 when I first began seriously thinking about turning this piece of flash fiction into a novel / novella. A few things of note, I dreamed of Lenoir having a middle name that points to its inspiration. Also, the alternative spelling of Lenore vs. Lenoir (I had to edit several of those in the first draft).

Some quotes I thought I may use before the start of every chapter. Turns out the letters were much more useful. Originally this novel was supposed to be my book railing against religion, but the story took itself in another direction. Always follow the story.

Spreadsheets were always used for notes to plan a novel, right? Interesting that I gavemost of the main characters last names, but neglected to use them in the actual book. The short descriptions of the characters are mostly the same except for Vincent. Scarlett was the character I least identified with and was most worried about fleshing out, but her chapter was actually my personal favorite (very happy with how it ended up). Now you know which agency Oz works for when it is redacted in the final version of the book.

The last part of the original flash fiction story written in 2006. The prose is virtually unchanged from the last chapter of the final book. I just built more exposition and detailed Lenoir’s thoughts around it. The original flash fiction piece might be one of the finest things I’ve ever written, or ever will.

Audio / Music

Speaking of the original mix album, I’d love to share all the music that inspired this book. Alas, due to copyright issues, I cannot post them here as the rights would cost me significantly. But there is nothing stopping me from posting the tracklist, so here it is!

1) Black Ether - Aja’s Song

2) Godd Presents…the most beautiful music in the world - Live in Purgatory

3) Christian Hendrix - You Can’t Go Home again (←)

4) Lord of Bass - Dance Until You Drop Dead

5) Perpetualtrance - Purified Love

6) Trancestatic - This is the Sound

7) Tweaker - Crude Sunlight

8) Van Ches Karen - The Place

9) Shy FX - Wolf

While some of the tracks are indeed obscure, internet sleuths should be able to track most of them down. I wish I could remember the site where I downloaded them, but since this was 2006, I’m sure it is now offline.

A bad recording of one of the earliest text to speech AI programs. Before it was even flash fiction, I wrote the words in this recording to accompany the CD mix I was burning. All the songs that I had chosen for the mix, gave me the first iterations of the story. I wanted to hear what it sounded like read back to me, and I wanted to include it in the mix. I took burning CDs, making mixtapes, and now creating playlists very seriously. The track order was essential to a cohesive mix.